Chipotle-Lime Chicken Fajitas

Pretty Normal – Still Good

One of the reasons I am on this meal kit journey is because I want to experience ingredients and meals that are new to me, while expanding my cooking skills and providing fantastic, healthy meals for Gail and I.

This meal was good. We enjoyed it. It was relatively easy to make.

The problem with this meal is a minor one. It was absolutely normal. If I’d decided on my own to make chicken fajitas, they probably would have tasted exactly like this. If I’d gone to any chain Mexican restaurant, I could have ordered something that tasted exactly like this.

There’s nothing really wrong with normal, but it’s my goal to give my impressions of each of the meal kits I prepare.

I Have Nothing Else To Say

Really, that’s all.

Normal But Good
  • Flavor (5 = best)
  • Prep Time (5 = short and easy)
  • Difficulty Level (5 = easiest)
  • Cleanup (5 = quickest)


This Chrissy Teigen Chicken Fajitas meal is good but I do have one small issue with it.


If you decide to try Blue Apron, you can get $60 off your first 3 boxes by clicking this link. Get $60 off over your first 3 boxes *20 Off each of your first 3 deliveries, cannot be combined with any other offer, valid for first time meal plan customers only*

Disclosure: If you use my coupon code, I receive a small commission. We both benefit!

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